On Screen China: New Releases Hope to Capture Some of the Force at the Box-Office

 /  Box Office  / 
Thanks to an unenthusiastic reception from mainland audiences for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, several new releases — both imported and local — have the opportunity this weekend to sweep into theaters and grab a larger share of the market than previously anticipated. The Last Witch Hunter (最后的巫师猎人) – Friday, January 15 Distributor: China Film Read More

A Supporting Role for Culture at China’s World Internet Conference

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The World Internet Conference in the east coast city of Wuzhen last week sparked a good deal of debate about the China’s influence on global web governance.  In its second year, the conference received a major boost in its significance when President Xi Jinping appeared in person to give a speech on the subject (Last year, he only sent a congratulatory message to mark the event’s opening)

China’s Struggling Screenwriters Fear Being Cut by Alibaba Pictures Proposal

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Last week, Alibaba Pictures vice president Xu Yuanxiang set off a firestorm of controversy among China’s screenwriters when he proposed a new model for crowdsourcing film scripts online that potentially would bypass industry professionals altogether. Read More

Protecting Copyright Online in China: Searching, Linking, or Storing?

 /  Legal  / 
This is the second in a series of posts about China’s system for the takedown of copyright subject matter stored or posted online without the copyright owner’s approval. In our first post, we provided a general summary of the regulations that establish the takedown procedures. These regulations enable enforcement of the “right of communication through an Read More


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