On Screen China: Can ‘Point Break’ Ride Out the Crowded Weekend?

 /  Box Office  / 
China’s booming box office hit another milestone Thursday afternoon, passing RMB 40 billion ($6.25 billion) for the first time ever in a calendar year. All 12 months of 2014 produced a box office gross of RMB 29.6 billion. December could add an additional RMB 4 billion – 5 billion to the 2015 gross with the release of Read More

Finding Freedom in China on Film: A Q&A with Jia Zhangke

 /  People  / 
Like all of Jia’s films, "Mountains May Depart" contains strong social commentary. The film, which stars Jia’s wife, Zhao Tao, explores freedom: how one conceives of it, what one does to get it, and how others try to limit it. Read More


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