Chinese Animated Film ‘Duck Duck Goose’ Released on Netflix
Duck Duck Goose, an animated film produced by Chinese studio Original Force, has recently been released on Netflix to audiences in over 20 countries. According to sources familiar with the matter, the film performed well in the first week and has led Netflix to decide to further its collaboration with Original Force. This year, in addition to Duck Duck Goose, Netflix has also acquired exclusive international rights to animated film Next Gen, which is financed by China’s Baozou Comics and produced with Tencent Animation. Read more on Mtime
Seniors Boost Recent Growth of Short Video Sector in China
As short video becomes more and more popular in China, its audience base also expands. According to data from QuestMobile, Chinese mobile users who are over 50 years old spend 109 hours on their phone in June, up 28.5 percent compared to last month. Top three activities are messaging, reading news and watching short videos. The average time spent on short videos are 25 hours. Several short-video apps that target senior users, including Tang Dou (糖豆), Cai Shi (彩视) and You Le (友乐), are also becoming increasingly popular. Read more on
Yang Mi’s ‘Baby’ Selected to Compete at San Sebastian International Film Festival
The 66th San Sebastian International Film Festival just announced the third batch of selected films. Along with the first two batches of selections, 17 films are selected to compete at the Festival this year. Baby, a Chinese film that is executive produced by Hou Hsiao-hsien and stars Yang Mi, is the only Change language film in competition. The film is Yang Mi’s first arthouse film and has also been selected into this year’s Toronto International Film Festival. Read more on Mtime