Headlines from China: Trading Fame is a High-Risk Bet for Celebrities and Investors

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Over the past a few years, China saw a wave of mergers and acquisitions that involve celebrities or celebrity-owned companies. Top entertainment firms are eager to win over bankable stars while the stars are eager to cash in their fame. Read More

Headlines from China: Is TVB Becoming “Foxconn” for China’s Streaming Sites?

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For audiences in mainland China, TVB shows are a part of their childhood and youthhood memories. However, over the past a few years, we can barely think of a TVB show that is truly memorable. Read More

Headlines from China: Wanda Film to Continue Suspension of Trading, Requesting More Time for Assets Consolidation

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Wanda Film Holding Co plans to file a request to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange to continue the suspension of trading in its shares, as the company needs more time to prepare for its assets consolidation. Read More