Shanghai International Film Festival Festival Could Happen in Late July, Talks Ongoing While Stock Price Surges
Multiple news agencies have reported that the 23rd Shanghai International Film Festival could take place from July 18 to July 27, but sources close to the organization insisted that they are still talking with the government to get permission to host public film screenings. News of the festival’s prospective dates circulated quickly through the Chinese film industry this week, sparking optimism that all other cinemas might be allowed to resume operation later this month. The stock prices of several film-related entreprises’ also see substantial increase after the news is released. Read more yiqipaidianying
China’s ‘Farewell to Poverty’ Wins Dutch Film Award
A documentary film about China’s poverty relief won a Dutch film award and was released on Youku on July 2. “Farewell to Poverty,” directed by Lu Guanghua, won an Around International Film Festival (ARFF) Globe Award in the January 2020 Official Selections of the ARFF – Amsterdam. The film recounts the real stories during China’s poverty-alleviation campaign in Kelan County, Shanxi province. Read more Sohu