Audiences Take Note as Chinese Sci-fi Animation Breaks Barriers
In 2088, humans step foot on Mars, expanding humanity’s horizons and opening up a new field of existence. Meanwhile, the rest of humanity continues living on Earth hundreds of millions of kilometers away, posing a nostalgic touchstone for the people living on the red planet. This is the background of Chinese original sci-fi animated film Yinghuo Guitu directed by Kong Youyang, a young animator from studio Hyper Pace. Read more Global Times
Film “Home Coming” Hits 1.5 Bln Yuan at China’s Box Office
Chinese film “Home Coming” has mostly dominated China’s box office since its Sept. 30 release and has now seen its cumulative earnings hit 1.5 billion yuan (about 206.74 million U.S. dollars). It is currently the fifth-highest earner of the year at China’s box office, according to movie data platforms. Read more Xinhua News