Headlines From China: Alibaba Launches New Movie Brand to Diversify Portfolio

Alibaba Launches New Movie Brand to Diversify Portfolio

Alibaba Culture and Entertainment Group — the showbiz arm of Alibaba has recently announced its plan to establish a new brand called “Surprise Works” that will focus on the productions of independent film projects. Expected to grow into a Chinese equivalent of the Oscar-winning American indie studio A24 Films, the brand will produce films in three aspects, respectively, coming-of-age stories, novelty noirs, and near-future sci-fi titles. More than 20 movies are unveiled in the upcoming lineup. Most highlighted projects include Wei Shuju’s “Striding Into the Wind”; Li Zhi’s “The Girl With Nine Wigs”; and Zhang Rongji’s sci-fi tale “Moli” (Jasmine). Read more Alibaba Pictures

“Debutante Style” Proves China Has Mixed Feelings About Luxury

The term “debutantes” has recently been co-opted for a new trend where label-loving Chinese females brag about their luxury lifestyles online to mixed reactions. Now, many platforms like Douyin and Bilibili have released debutante style guides that discuss how to look feminine and graceful without being tacky. When it comes to China, brands must understand that young consumers in China are at an early stage of understanding luxury. As such, they still prefer celebrity attractions and can mainly afford entry-level items. Read more Jing Daily