Official still of ‘The Hitman’s Bodyguard’.
Chinese Company Cancels Acquisition Deal with Millennium Films
Chinese company Recon Group officially drops an acquisition deal with Hollywood’s Millennium Films, according to a report submitted to Shenzhen Stock Exchange by Recon. The Chinese company states that the cancellation of the deal was due to their failure in submitting required paperwork to regulators before an August 31 deadline. Recon and Millennium announced the deal back in February, 2017, stating that Recon was going to purchase 51 percent stake of Millennium Films. Millennium Films’ latest production is ‘The Hitman’s Bodyguard’, which will open in Chinese theaters on September 22. Read more on Mtime
Documentary about Chinese Artist Cai Guo-Qiang to Open across China on 09/22
Directed by Academy Award winning filmmaker Kevin Macdonald (‘One Day in September’, 1999) and featuring acclaimed Chinese contemporary artist Cai Guo-Qiang, documentary ‘Sky Ladder: The Art of Cai Guo-Qiang’ is set to open in Chinese theaters on September 22, according to IDG Capital’s Chairman Xiong Xiaoge, who is also an investor of the film. Wendi Murdoch also participated in the production of the film as a producer. Read more on Sina
‘Little Fresh Meats’ are not China’s Box Office Saviors Anymore
Looking back at the domestic films played in Chinese theaters this summer, the ones that featured ‘little fresh meats’ didn’t perform as well in box office as similar type of films in previous years. According to Wujian, a data analyst of Weying, fantasy-action-adventure film ‘Wu Kong’, which stars Eddie Peng, is the only one that managed to breakeven. All the other films with ‘little fresh meats’ as male leads, such as ‘Once Upon A Time‘, ‘Guilty of Mind’, and ‘Legend of the Naga Pearls’, lost money. Read more on 1905.com
China Box Office in September: Hollywood VS. Japanese Anime
China’s unofficial summer blackout was over on August 25 with the openings of various imported films. Entering September, Chinese films have to face fierce competition with not only Hollywood blockbusters, but also Japanese movies adapted from hit anime. During September, more than 30 films will open theatrically in Chinese theaters. Domestic films, Hollywood movies, and Japanese anime adaptations occupy most of the slots. Read more on Mtime
Orlando Bloom Promotes ‘S.M.A.R.T. Chase’ in China with His Chinese Cast Members
Star Orlando Bloom attended a promotional event for his latest film ‘S.M.A.R.T Chase’ on August 30 in Beijing with his mostly Chinese cast members. The film will officially open across China one month later on September 30. According to the producer of the film, there is the possibility that the film will be developed into a series with more installments released in the future. Orlando Bloom will visit a few more Chinese cities, such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Wuhan, to promote this film before its theatrical run. Read more on China.com