Headlines from China: Anti-Chinese Sentiment Surges on Western Social Media, Can Mulan Still Sell?

Anti-Chinese Sentiment Surges on Western Social Media, Can Mulan Still Sell?

Not long ago, Hollywood experienced a growing Asian influence, with the kind of films like Crazy Rich Asian, The Farewell, and Parasite made huge splashes in North American film market. But will all of these prospects come to a halt because of the coronavirus pandemic? A lot of anti-Chinese and anti-Asian sentiment is seen on the rise on Western social media. Mulan’s release has also been pushed to July 24th. Even though the outbreak might be contained by July, it is still possible that the rising racism will hurt this film’s performance eventually. Read more on yiqipaidianying

The Outlook of Sony’s Bilibili Investment 

Sony’s investment on Bilibili has made the headlines recently when most film companies’ businesses are still on pause. As a matter of fact, the business relationship between Sony Corp. and Bilibili has started since 2014 when Bilibili collaborated with Sony’s animation subsidiary Aniplex. A few weeks ago, Bilibili has also signed strategic partner with Sony Music to release its music videos on Bilibili. With this new deal signed in place, Bilibili’s users are expecting Sony to open its film library and release the massive film titles that it owns. Read more on yiqipaidianying